Tuesday 3 June 2008

Bagneres de Luchon 2/6/8

We are sat on a bench looking back down the narrow cave which curves away from us for over 150m. There is subtle lighting running alongside the walkway. The bare rock walls glisten with water and drips constantly fall from the low roof. We are both soaking wet. Sitting still is bearable for short periods but while walking the intensity of the heat and humidity becomes oppressive. I look for the heaters but am aware this is a natural phenomena, with the spa water permeating the rock and heating the cave to around 40C with 95% humidity. We are spending the afternoon at the Baths of the elegant spa town Bagneres de Luchon, 15 minutes in the cave is followed by 20 mins floating in the circular relaxation pool and then a spell on the recliners wrapped in white toga towels before repeating the process. After around 1200kms in 12 days its probably time we had a rest although all this relaxing is dangerous - I wake up the next morning feeling physically and mentally drained...

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