Wednesday, 27 February 2008


Take care on rickety bridges. Or at least watch your step. Near Sabinanigo we found this old wire and wood bridge which sagged worryingly under our weight and had many holes in its planks through which you could see the river around 60ft below. While Wendy was taking photos I put my foot through a hole and fell sideways landing on the cable running along the side of the bridge. I ended up overhanging the edge with my bike on top of me. While falling I was unconcerned as I knew the cable was there but Wendy's face was a picture of alarm. Did you get the photo, I asked, but she was not amused...

1 comment:

eD said...

Brilliant! Skills!! Hope you got a photo of the dismount too. Very Harrisson Ford - it's not a proper adventure unless there's a rickety wooden bridge involved.