Sunday 17 February 2008


Helped by the wonderfully clear nights and using charts Wendy has brought we are slowly improving our astronomy. Before the cold drives us into our sleeping bags we are starting to identify more stars and constellations. We have also become aware of the constant stream of aircraft heading NE on a similar path both day and night. The number of them seems extraordinary and leads us to question the necessity of so many flights. On Tuesday (12/2/8) at around 8.20 Wendy spotted a bright orange light coming towards us from the NW which, although lower than the others, we presumed to be another plane. Though moving in a straight line at a steady speed at a constant altitude it did not have the blinking lights of a plane and appeared to be glowing. After watching it for around 20 seconds it reached the centre of the sky, briefly turned red and then disappeared. We have no explanation for what it might have been so would be interested in any theories...

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